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WDK the latest to recommit to Cardiff

First Team News | 13th June 2024

Will Davies-King is the latest homegrown talent to sign a new contract with Cardiff Rugby. 

The 25-year-old from Chepstow came through the club’s academy and made his senior debut against Uruguay in 2018. 

His existing contract expired at the end of last season, but he has agreed fresh terms to remain at Cardiff Arms Park. 

Davies-King said. "I'm thrilled to be staying at Cardiff Rugby. I came through the academy and have played all my senior rugby with the club, so it means a huge amount to me both professionally and personally.  

“I am very grateful to Jockey and the club for giving me this opportunity to continue my development as a player and be part of what we are building here. I'm extremely excited about the direction the club is going and I want to be involved in that process for as long as possible. 

“I enjoyed the past season and I'm very optimistic about my future at the club. I can't wait to hit the ground running next season.” 

The 6’4”, 20-stone prop brings a formidable physical presence as has continued his development under the guidance of Scott Andrews over the last season. 

He will compete with Keiron Assiratti and Rhys Litterick for a spot on the tight-head. 

Head coach Matt Sherratt said: “We’re pleased to keep Will at the Arms Park and I think everyone can see the potential he has.

“He is naturally a very big and powerful man, who is still young for a prop, but showed the quality he has with a run of games and strong performances during the Six Nations. 

“Next year will be a big season for Will to continue his development and realise his undoubted potential. 

“With Keiron, Rhys and Will, we have a good stable of Welsh tight-head props, who will all compete and drive each other forward.”