Volunteers gain WRU Community Tag Rugby Award



Seven members of the Vale community signed up to receive their training on WRU Community Tag Rugby; all were delighted to successfully attain their Welsh Rugby Union Tag Rugby Award.

Matt Silva, the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s ‘Future Blues’ and Rugby Development Officer ran the course at Holm View Leisure Centre. Future Blues Co-ordinator Nadine Griffiths ably assisted Matt, this was a real coup for the delegates as Nadine works closely with Primary Schools and has herself enjoyed forty-four caps for Wales.

The course was a joint initiative with Dragon Sport who mainly recruit volunteers from sixth form, parent groups and grandparents to place in Primary Schools and Community Clubs across the Vale. Dragon Sports focuses on eight key sports (of which one is rugby) and work with 7 – 11 year olds.

The Tag Rugby Award has been designed for new or existing coaches and teachers involved within Tag Rugby at Under 8s Club level or within Primary Schools. It allows new Coaches to deliver safe and enjoyable sessions focusing on basic rugby skills such as running, dynamics, handling and passing.

Matt explains, “We try to offer volunteers – such as sixth formers – a first step on the coaching ladder. This helps to ensure consistency across clubs and schools in the Vale, focusing on coaching development that will ultimately produce better players. Our congratulations go to the Holm View delegates.”

Tag Rugby is a safe, fun and exciting form of non-contact rugby. In it’s simplest form it can be played without scrums and lineouts with seven a side teams. Agility, speed and good hand-eye coordination are more important skills than brute force and strength.

Tag Rugby as the name implies has a tag – in the form of a strip of material with Velcro, which players then attach to their shorts.

The sport can be enjoyed by families and can be played in parks or at the beach. Tag Rugby offers the perfect introduction to mini competitions for school children at leagues or festivals. Men and woman of all ages and levels can play.

Matt speaks about the importance of volunteers to Rugby Development saying, “ Each year, people devote their own time and energy to rugby. This may involve coaching, transport, administration or kit washing. Volunteers seek no financial reimbursement; they simply do this for the love of rugby and dedication to their community – their support is invaluable.”

Rachel McGuinness is the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Dragon Sport Officer she added, ”To volunteer no experience in sport is required as support is provided in roles such as administration, team managers, as well as coaches. Training, equipment and resources are all provided. We would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in assisting.”

For more information on Rugby or volunteering please contact Matt Silva on 01446 704603 or Rachel McGuinness from Dragon Sports on 01446 704681. Alternatively visit www.valeofglamorgan.gov.uk/sportsdevelopment

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