Peter Thomas, Chairman of Cardiff Rugby Football Club Ltd., has today clarified the position taken by the Board of Directors following David Moffett’s most recent proposals for change.
At yesterday’s meeting of the Board, the Directors unanimously supported a view that a five-team structure would provide a more vibrant and viable future for the game in Wales.
In previous comments by the Chairman to David Moffett it has been made clear that Cardiff are prepared to examine all options in helping to provide both the domestic and international game with a restructured future. However, it is the considered belief of all Cardiff Directors that this process is better served by retaining a fifth team for a number of rugby and commercial/economic considerations.
The Chairman is concerned that this view should not be read as Cardiff blindly wishing to retain its stand-alone status:
“The Clubs belief is based on sound business logic and, contrary to any cynics views, reflects a desire for the game to benefit not just Cardiff RFC. Like the WRU itself, we undeniably have significant and complex constitutional issues here at the Club due in part to our Athletic Club heritage and legal covenants.
However, we will continue to exhaust all avenues in our efforts to provide the professional game with a deliverable solution.
“We must all realise that we are dealing with significant emotional issues that demand from all in Welsh rugby a level of impartiality, however any new entity emerging from the restructuring will need to recognise the asset base, existing commercial revenue and brand value of the parties involved.
“The Board of Cardiff RFC Ltd will continue to represent the best interests of its 1,200 share-holders and 4,000 members, the majority of whom are also stake-holders and supporters of the national game of our country.”