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Seven Cardiff players selected in Wales squad ahead of second test in Melbourne

Cymraeg | 11th July 2024

Warren Gatland has named seven Cardiff players in his squad to face Australia for the second test of the Summer series. This match will be played in Melbourne on Saturday, July 13th at 10:45 GMT. 

The lineup sees four changes made to the team that struck out in the opening fixture of the series. 

An injury sustained to Aaron Wainwright during the second half has ruled him out of the remainder of the tour, Gatland has opted for Cardiff’s James Botham to replace him in the back row - with Taine Plumtree moving the number 8 role. Tommy Refell fills out the pack at openside flanker. 

Cameron Winnett returns to the full-back position for his first appearance for Wales outside of the six nations, Liam Williams will move back to the wing to replace the injured Gloucester wing, Josh Hathaway.

Ellis Bevan, Ben Thomas and Mason Grady retain their positions at 9, 10 and 12 - with hope that the Cardiff connection can help unlock the Wallabee defence. 

Mackenzie Martin and Evan Lloyd are replacements. 

Gatland stated: “We are looking forward to getting back out on the pitch this weekend in Melbourne.

“This week we’ve been going over our processes, building on what’s worked well and sharpening the areas that need improvement. 

“We expect Australia to go up another level this week, and we need to as well.

“We want to start well and make sure we are disciplined and accurate from the off. Then it’s about keeping in the arm-wrestle for the duration.” 


Mae hyfforddwr Cymru, Warren Gatland, wedi enwi’r dîm ar gyfer yr ail brawf yn erbyn Awstralia ar dydd Sadwrn. 

Mae pedwar wahaniaeth i’r sgwad wnaeth colli yn y gêm gyntaf. 

Mae Aaron Wainwright wedi anafu ei goes - felly mae James Botham am lenwi mewn fel blaenasgellwr, gyda Taine Plumtree yn symud i’r rhif wyth.  

Mae Cameron Winnet am ddechrau’r ail rhaglen y dymor - gyda Liam Williams yn symud i’r asgell. 

Mae Mackenzie Martin ac Efan Lloyd wedi eu ddewis i ddechrau ar y fainc.

Dwedodd Warren Gatland: “Ry’n ni’n edrych ymlaen at gyfre arall i gystadlu hyd eitha’n gallu unwaith eto’r penwythnos hon. 

“Yr wythnos hon, ry’n ni wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar ein prosesau gan adeiladu ar ein cryfderau a miniogi ambell agwedd o’n chwarae sydd angen ei wella.

“Bydd perfformiad Awstralia’n gryfach fyth ym Melbourne ac felly bydd rhaid i ni dechrau’n gadarn gan gadw ein disgyblaeth fel y gallwn gystadlu tan y diwedd un.” 

Welsh Line-Up

Wales: Cameron Winnet, Liam Williams, Owen Watkin, Mason Grady, Rio Dyer, Ben Thomas, Ellis Bevan; Gareth Thomas, Dewi Lake ( Capt ), Archie Griffin, Christ Tshiunza, Dafydd Jenkins, James Botham , Tommy Reffell, Taine Plumtree

Replacements: Evan Lloyd, Kemsley Mathias, Harri O’Connor, Cory Hill, Mackenzie Martin, Kieran Hardy, Sam Costelow, Nick Tompkins.