The WRU Development Team is pleased to announce the dates of their National UKCC Level Three Course for next season
The course will be delivered at the National Centre of Excellence, Hensol and run over a 9 month period and compulsory days of attendance are as follows:
Day 1 – June 14th 2013
Day 2 – June 15th 2013
Day 3 – December 2013 (date to be confirmed)
Day 4 – December 2013 (date to be confirmed)
Day 5 – April 2013 (date to be confirmed)
For a full qualification specification, please visit
This Year the course will be run on a National basis instead of as previous years divisionally. The WRU UKCC Coaching in Rugby Union Level 3 course will accommodate a maximum of 20 candidates and it will be the only level 3 running this year.
Candidates who wish to apply for the Level 3 Qualification must adhere to the completion of the following set criteria:-
Firstly completed the UKCC coaching rugby union Level 2 Qualification, secondly send a copy of their rugby C.V to their Regional Coach Development Officer, thirdly be currently coaching a team on a regular basis.
The WRU Coach Development team will then screen the candidates by means of assessing a session delivered at their club and send out a pre course task, on submission of the task the team will then announce the successful candidates.
Priority access will be given to candidates based on the following criterion if applications exceed 20 candidates:
1. WRU Staff
2. Regional Age Grade, Premiership, Championship coaches
3. National divisional league coaches/ Regional Player Development coaches
For any coaches who wish to apply for the level 3 course please could they submit their CV to me at
If anyone requires further information please feel free to contact
Suitable applicants will be contacted for a coaching observation to confirm their suitability to attend the course, prior to them making any payments.