Join In Sport.Cardiff Week



Following the Blues Family Fun Day on Sunday 24th July, young sports fanatics across Cardiff can complete a week to remember by taking part in the Sport.Cardiff Week at Cardiff Athletics Stadium.

To promote helathy lifestyles for young people Sport Cardiff are organising a multi-sport week between Monday 25th July and Friday 29th July.

The week is aimed at 8-11 year olds and there is capacity for 150 children to take part each day.

There will be all kinds of activity for children to participate in from Football, Cricket and Rugby coaching to Hockey, Netball and Basketball as well as interesting and informative activity with the British Heart Foudnation to teach about healthy lifestyles.

Any parent interested in registerring their child for a full day of qualified coaching during this week should pre – book before 8th July (participants can choose either to come for selected days or the whole week) – the cost is £10 per child per day. Children are required to bring their own pack lunch for the day. Telephone 029 2087 2087 to reserve your child’s place.

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