Forthcoming Clubhouse Events



The first Cardiff Blues Quiz Night on Tuesday 28th September was a great success, with the suporters club team reigning victorious.

The monthly quiz nights at the clubhouse will usually be held on the last Tuesday of every month commencing at 8pm. However, due to the Meet the New Players evening on Tuesday 26th October, the next Quiz Night will be Tuesday 2nd November. Don’t miss it.

There is no need to book for the quiz nights, simply turn up at the clubhouse on the last Tuesday of each month to compete for the title and to see if you can win a prize.

Other events include the Meet the Players night when you can question the new players – and the ‘Curry and Pint’ Sports Forums will also be making a return this season. There are three dates scheduled on October 20th, January 12th and April 13th. These events are exclusive to CRSC members and there is limited availability.

If you would like to join CRSC, visit and complete the application form.

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