Blues Stars Take Up Splatterball!



Creating the largest action picture in Cardiff is just one of the many aims of the “Splatterball” exhibition – part of Cardiff’s 2005 centenary celebrations.

“Splatterball” is an arts event based around the theme of sport. It was put together by artists from the “Artery” studio – a project run by Cardiff Council to allow people with a learning disability to express themselves through art.

This is the group’s third exhibition. It follows eight months work researching and experimenting around themes of Sport. This included attending a Cardiff Blues rugby team training session and working from silhouettes of sports people found in various publications and sports magazines.

Following the training session, Blues players were invited back to try it out for themselves. Dean Dewdney and Marc Stcherbina were pleased to take up the offer.

The players also experimented with Sports equipment used to make marks, instead of traditional paintbrushes. The combination of sports activity with paint to produce images is the basis of the ‘Splatterball’ week long workshop, where the public will be encouraged to participate in this activity on a large scale to create Cardiff’s largest action painting. This will be exhibited in the Crush Hall at County Hall for a week from 22nd August 2005.

Commenting on the project, John Dixon – Executive member for Health, Social Care and Wellbeing, said:
“I am delighted that the Artery is once again exhibiting – this time as part of Cardiff’s 2005 celebrations. The work that the project produces is of the highest standard and I look forward to seeing Cardiff’s biggest action picture next week!

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