Blues Choir A Roaring Success



Thanks to everyone for turning up for getting involved in the Blues’ Supporters’ choir last week.

We had a fantastic turnout – 115 founder members! Many more who couldn’t make it have also registered their interest, but there is still some room for a few more!

Blues’ fans arrived at the Millennium Stadium between 7pm – 7.30pm to fill in their forms. They were then introduced to their choir masters, Eilir Griffiths and Delyth Medi, before Welsh legend Gareth Edwards gave a spirited team talk.

The new Blues’ Supporters’ choir was then put through its paces with some unusual warm-up exercises to say the least, before Eilir and Delyth went to work on dividing the choir up into four parts. A passionate rendition of ‘Calon Lân’ followed by an equally impressive ‘We’ll Keep a Welcome’ left the choir masters wondering why they were employed in the first place!

There are pictures from last weeks’ meeting at, and the ‘Codi Canu’ website will be up and running soon.

The first rehearsal will be on Thursday September 14th and we are still looking for more female voices and fans that haven’t been in a choir before. If you want to join the fun and possibly end up singing with the choir on the Millennium Stadium pitch before the Wales v England Six Nations’ match next year contact


Diolch i bawb a ddaeth i ymuno â chôr cefnogwyr y Gleision wythnos diwethaf. Daeth nifer fawr o bobl i Stadiwm y Mileniwm – 115 aelod i’r côr yn barod! Yn ogystal, mae ‘na nifer nad oedd yn gallu mynychu’r cyfarfod wedi mynegi eu diddordeb, ond mae ‘na le i fwy!

Cyrhaeddodd cefnogwyr y Stadiwm rhwng 7 a 7.30 i lenwi eu ffurflenni. Yna roedd yn bryd eu cyflwyno i’r arweinyddion, Eilir Griffiths a Delyth Medi, cyn i’r arwr Gareth Edwards gynnig gair o ysbrydoliaeth. Cynheswyd y côr newydd gyda ymarferion anghyffredin i ddweud y lleiaf, cyn i Eilir a Delyth fynd ati i rhannu’r côr i bedwar llais. Ar ôl cyflwyniad angerddol o ‘Calon Lân’ a pherfformiad grymus o ‘We’ll Keep a Welcome’ nid oedd yr arweinyddion yn siwr pam eu bod yna yn y lle cyntaf!

Mae lluniau o gyfarfod wythnos nesaf ar gael ar, ac mi fydd y wefan ‘Codi Canu’ ar gael cyn bo hir.

Mi fydd yr ymarfer cyntaf ar nos Iau Medi 14eg a rydym yn dal i chwilio am leisiau benywaidd a chefnogwyr nad sydd wedi bod mewn côr o’r blaen. Os ydych am ymuno yn yr hwyl ac o bosib canu gyda’r côr ar faes Stadiwm y Mileniwm cyn y gêm rhwng Cymru a Lloegr flwyddyn nesaf, cysylltwch âg

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